The most profitable law firms share two common characteristics. First, they all run a very efficient ship — one that integrates flexible software with well-defined business process. Second, they all focus on the hardest part of the practice, generating income, while leaving technology to those who know it best. Tom Zichterman explains how law firms, by […]

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If you’re hanging your shingle, you’ll have to decide what kind of technology you will use to run your firm, from cloud computing options to printers. Below, Phil Shuey will take you through considerations for your firm. Five-Minute Mentor: Technology for Your Firm, with Phil Shuey from Colorado Bar Association on Vimeo. Phil Shuey spoke […]

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Siddhartha Rathod will join a panel of attorneys to talk about traps to avoid and practical tips for attorneys who are considering going into business for themselves at the CBA-CLE Hanging Your Shingle workshop on Friday, Aug. 17. In the video below, he offers his tips for attorneys who are starting a firm on their […]

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Hanging Your Shingle

by Sara Crocker on August 14, 2012

Marco Chayet will join a panel of attorneys to talk about traps to avoid and practical tips for attorneys who are considering going into business for themselves at the CBA-CLE Hanging Your Shingle workshop on Friday, Aug. 17. Chayet has a unique perspective, because he was once an attorney sitting in that same workshop. He […]

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Siddhartha H. Rathod and Qusair Mohamedbhai, partners at Rathod | Mohamedbhai LLC, recently offered their Dos and Don’ts of starting a law firm at a “Small Firms, Big Success” CLE. Solo in Colo caught up with them to hear what they think are the top Do and Don’t. Learn from them so you don’t run […]

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In case  you missed solo attorney Dan Sweetser’s CBA-CLE presentation, “Secrets to Solo/Small Firm Success: Getting Clients, Keeping Them, and Unique Ethical Issues,” this video offers a short overview of what attorney shingle-hangers should be aware of, including accounting information, marketing, ethical issues, and professionalism, courtesy of the CBA’s running video series Five-Minute Mentor.

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As a solo or small firm practitioner, you’re probably your own assistant, which means you have filing duties, too. A new file retention rule (CRCP 1.16A) was approved by the Colorado Supreme Court in February. You can learn about the new rule, your general duties at termination of the attorney-client relationship, the need to have […]

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Solo in Colo regular Barb Cashman Hahn presented “Blogging: What It Can Do for Your Solo or Small Firm” earlier this week at CBA CLE. We caught up with Barb following her presentation to get the lowdown on her presentation. She also told us about the new WordPress blog project she is working on with […]

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