By: Michael L Goldblatt Originally Published on Blumberg Blog on May 20, 2019 Printed with the permission of and BlumbergExcelsior, Inc. Checklists assure completeness and reduce failures in a variety of industries, including accounting, aviation, and healthcare. This article provides tips and resources for lawyers who want to use checklists to avoid problems […]
What Every Lawyer Needs to Know About Disaster Avoidance and Recovery Planning Presented by Jeff Schoenberger The only thing scary about this subject is not having a plan at all. Losing client data can cripple your firm and lead to malpractice claims, among other unpleasant things. This seminar will describe the elements your plan requires […]
Presented by Cyara Hotopp If you have any version of Microsoft Office, then you already own Microsoft Excel. If you are like most lawyers, you’re either underutilizing it or not using it at all. This webinar makes no assumptions regarding preexisting knowledge of Excel. We start with basics and work our way up from there. […]
COBAR has updated its online attorney directory, formerly known as Find A Lawyer, to LicensedLawyer with upgraded search technology to further enhance the ability to connect members with prospective clients. Similar to Find A Lawyer, which consistently ranked as one of the most visited sections of the COBAR website, Licensed Lawyer allows prospective clients […]
What the heck is modern representation? In a nutshell, modern representation is a way to practice law that is a win-win for clients and lawyers. And the CBA’s Modern Law Practice Initiative (MPLI) is here to teach you how to do it! The mission of MLPI is to revolutionize the legal profession by enhancing access […]
The Modern Law Practice Initiative has brought its Toolkit alive! Join us for our monthly gathering to discuss the CBA’s step-by-step guide of how to build a modern law practice, Successful Business Planning for the Modern Law Practice (available to CBA members for free). While each month will begin with a focus on a particular […]