
A 4-Step Approach to Create and Implement a Strategic Plan for Your Firm By Ashley Kappel A small firm or solo practitioner without a strategic plan is analogous to driving somewhere new without a destination or a GPS. Yet many firm leaders fail to create a strategic plan and revisit it often. The purpose of […]

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Author: Ryann Peyton   People in need of help often seek the assistance of lawyers, but where do lawyers turn when they need help of their own? Especially if the help being sought is of a personal nature. The law is a demanding profession and there is growing concern within the legal community over a […]

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There are plenty of benefits to both participants and firms hosting in-person workshops. To maximize return on the time and preparation that goes into hosting workshops, there are several factors that hosts should consider. With the changing landscape of a post-COVID world, there are also safety measures that hosts must put into place to encourage […]

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With a new year comes a review of the previous year’s successes and opportunities. It makes an ideal time to evaluate the marketing efforts your firm instituted over the past year and to establish a plan to evolve them based on where you saw the most traction. Below is LawBank’s guidance on how to audit […]

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Networking for Referrals for Solo Practice Attorneys – Making Friends and Keeping Them by LawBank Building your network as a solo lawyer is an essential part of your business development strategy. While meeting up for coffee has become difficult due to COVID-19, you can take advantage of other networking opportunities. Some of these business development […]

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Solo and Small Firm Marketing Ideas by LawBank If you operate a small law firm or are a solo practitioner, you understand how important it is to get your brand out there. You need to make sure that prospective clients, peers, and your online audience know who you are, what you offer, and how you […]

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Running a solo practitioner’s office or small law firm comes with plenty of distinct advantages: You set the firm’s direction, caseload, and work hours. There is a downside, however. You may not have the same resources as a more prominent firm, such as associate attorneys, support staff, and office equipment. If you have these things, […]

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Maybe you have been thinking about leaving your law firm and going solo. Perhaps a former colleague made the leap and you want to follow suit. Or perhaps the new year has put some big, bold ideas about your career into your head for the first time. Whatever the case is for you, you should […]

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By Jay Kamlet and Jordan Deifik If you’re like most other small law firms, 2020 has forced you to reevaluate the efficacy of your workspace. Thousands of lawyers now work exclusively from home out of necessity, prompting a question that’s never been more relevant: do legal professionals really need to work in an office? The […]

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By Jay Kamlet and Jordan Deifik Running your own law firm is hard enough work, but with the recent shift in just about everything, you might be wondering how to take your solo practice to the next level. Whether you’re looking to boost your online presence or tidy up the administrative side of things, we […]

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