Tired of being told there is no law office software for your Macintosh computer? There actually are quite a few excellent software tools designed specifically for Mac users, and a great website dedicated to providing basic information on this subject. For helpful advice and a laundry list of law office software applications that run on […]
Did you know you can change the font size, style, and color for new, reply to, and forwarding messages? It’s so simple: Open Outlook. For Outlook 2007 or earlier, click on tools in the menu bar. For Outlook 2010, click on File in the menu bar. Go to Options. Then click on Mail Format for […]
Trying to find a message in your sent folder but not seeing an identifying field, such as who you sent the email to, in your view pane? In this video tutorial, Reba demonstrates how to add fields to your Outlook folders. Adding a Field to the Outlook Sent Folder from Colorado Bar Association on Vimeo. You […]
Scheduling meetings with multiple attendees can be incredibly difficult. Typically you’ll suggest a couple of dates and times. Everyone responds to you and you then have to figure out which one works for the most number of attendees. There is a much easier way. Take advantage of online scheduling apps. And no—you don’t need an […]
We received requests from Colorado Bar Association members for this feature—we relayed it to Casemaker and they added it! Suppose you’re drafting a brief and you want to include some text from an opinion. You could always go into the case, highlight the text, copy it and insert it into your document. But then you’d […]
Do you receive frequent emails from an individual or discussion list that you prefer go to a folder in your inbox? In this video tutorial, Reba demonstrates how to create email rules that will automatically sort incoming emails into specified folders. Create a rule to automatically move messages from the inbox from Colorado Bar Association on […]
This week, I’ve created a video tutorial to demonstrate how to use Adobe Acrobat to move emails out of Microsoft Outlook onto your hard drive. Tip of the Week – How to move e-mails out of outlook onto your hard drive using Adobe Acrobat from Colorado Bar Association on Vimeo. You can see this tip and others, […]
Windows 7 has a Problem Steps Recorder feature that will capture the steps you take on a computer, including a text description of where you clicked and a picture of the screen (called a screenshot) during each click. In addition, it notes the exact date and time the action took place, and allows you to add […]
I use categories in Outlook for a number of reasons. One thing categories allow me to do is look at my calendar and easily tell the difference between a meeting I have to attend, a presentation I’m scheduled to make, and a meeting I need to track but won’t attend. Here’s how to change the […]
Many lawyers are using Gmail for business and/or personal email. The Ultimate Guide to Gmail by Taty Sena is a free, handy, and very informative PDF guide to using Gmail. It also includes valuable links to Gmail shortcuts and a Gmail cheat sheet. It explains labels, setting, advanced settings, filters, and more. If you are […]