Lawyer Website Marketing was the topic at the monthly Small Firms, Big Success luncheon on April 8. The class, geared specifically toward lawyers, was taught by FindLaw Regional Manager Dustin W. Ruge. Although FindLaw hosts websites for lawyers, it wasn’t just one big sales pitch. Ruge did say it is possible to start your website […]
This is the final installment of our hero’s journey, and I’m combining the three Rs of the journey: Reward, Road Back, and Return with Elixir. This sounds pretty amazing doesn’t it? I think we should cue The Lord of the Rings’ “Return of the King” for this occasion. The end – or is it just […]
Whoa, we’re still in the cave, and now it’s ogre time! Or not. But this is no cake walk; in fact, the definition of ordeal is “a difficult or painful experience, especially one that severely tests character or endurance.” Sounds pretty mythic in proportion, no? Let’s get started – this is about taking “networking” to […]
Don’t these titles seem to be getting more dramatic sounding as we proceed through the Hero’s Journey? Indeed – in this portion of our journey (yes, remember it’s “how a solo attorney can venture into the wide world of Facebook, overcome fear and obstacles, gain useful insight and skills and emerge triumphant” – just in […]
In the last post we crossed the threshold, which means we have finally committed to “the journey.” Now we face certain obstacles, remember Homer’s “Odyssey”– or maybe you’re thinking of the more current rendition of it, “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” So – away we go! Let’s look at some of our “tests” first. Unlike […]
On your mark, get set … WHAT you’re not going to venture onward with the rest of us? It’s not like Colorado lawyers are at the forefront of the social media adoption wave, because we’re not. Other states and state bars are way ahead of us – like Florida lawyers, and the Florida and Texas […]
Come on Barb – Supernatural Aid ? I know, I’ll go to any lengths to get people’s attention! I was thinking that, once my biz page got the requisite 30 “likes,” meaning I achieved my “EdgeRank” minimum (see the definition here), and I have access to “insights about my activity,” well, I thought it sounded rather […]
Wondering why I’m still writing these? Well, have a look at the picture … we haven’t even reached the abyss yet! I’m still writing these posts, so I haven’t refused the call yet … wait – What is that ringing in my ears? Back to the narrative for this hero’s journey: Net Smart. Author Howard […]
Yes, in case you’re wondering, I have auspiciously subtitled this post according to the first stage of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey – “the call to adventure.” I will focus on our departure here – departure from the “known universe” of lawyer marketing (networking groups, static websites, e-newsletters, public speaking, etc.) to identify in a bit […]
I am trying to maintain a sense of humor about all this, so I thought of the “Lemony Snicket Series of Unfortunate Events” books one of my kids loved. As a Facebook newbie, I initially struggled with practical considerations like, “How do I set my Facebook business page as my default?” “Struggle” may be putting […]