
Whoa, we’re still in the cave, and now it’s ogre time! Or not. But this is no cake walk; in fact, the definition of ordeal is “a difficult or painful experience, especially one that severely tests character or endurance.” Sounds pretty mythic in proportion, no? Let’s get started – this is about taking “networking” to […]

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Come on Barb – Supernatural Aid ? I know, I’ll go to any lengths to get people’s attention!  I was thinking that, once my biz page got the requisite 30 “likes,” meaning I achieved my “EdgeRank” minimum (see the definition here), and I have access to “insights about my activity,” well, I thought it sounded rather […]

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Have you ever wondered how spammers collect email addresses? There are several methods but the most common way is using spam robots and email harvesters. These applications are on the Internet constantly browsing and recovering information formatted in the classic email format—for example, These roving harvesters are busily working the Internet and social media […]

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