Suzanne Hoffman

We all do it. Doctor orders tests. The doctor’s office calls your insurer to get the required preauthorization. We sign a document that commits us to paying if our insurer doesn’t. Well, why not? Our insurer approved it, so why should we worry? We should. And our clients should, too. I want to discuss a […]

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The U.S. Supreme Court has spoken.  Jan. 1, 2014, is less than 18 months away.  Healthcare as we know it in America will dramatically change.  Is it a change for the good, or bad?  That’s a hotly debated question that I’ll leave for another forum.  What I do want is to take you behind the […]

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Last month I wrote about the regulatory obstacle course wine producers and importers have to navigate to sell their product in Colorado.  In deciding what to write this month, I thought perhaps I’d give some suggestions on how my colleagues can spend their hard-earned fees on a relaxing gastronomic trip to Piemonte, Italy, the source […]

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As a federal wine importer whose wines are distributed in Colorado, I’ve learned on the battlefields of commerce just how “user unfriendly” the Colorado three-tier state alcohol regulatory system under Article 47 Title 12 of the Colorado Revised Statutes can be. America has 50 separate regulatory regimes governing liquor and vinous spirits sales, from wine […]

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