Casemaker Weekly – March 13th, 2019

by Tali Thomason on March 15, 2019

This week we talk about Printing, Combined Links, and History. Let’s get started!


Printing in Casemaker

While viewing a document in Casemaker, you will notice a set of icons on the far right in the dark gray toolbar. These icons allow you to print, email, save to a folder, and download. Let’s discuss Print.

After clicking the icon for Print,  you can choose the document format you are printing to. You can also choose if you would like to print the case in single or dual column layout. You can include highlighting for the terms you searched for, print the citing references, as well as the negative treatment if you have Case Check + access. Here you can attach your notes as well as a cover page. Once you are done you can click the blue Print button and the system will give you a document to print out in the format you selected.

Seeing more with the Combined Link

While you are browsing administrative code, statutes, rules and other materials you may sometimes notice an italicized chapter or section title with the word combined at the end in parentheses. Clicking on this link will give you not just one statute or rule, but all the statutes or rules in that chapter or section. This is helpful if you wish to print the entire chapter or section. It is also useful if you simply do not want to be forced to navigate to each individual statute or rule and would like to view them together.

Using History

The History Link in the upper right will provide you with a complete history of all the searches you’ve created, and documents you’ve viewed since logging into the Casemaker system. Each item in the History comes complete with a date and time stamp, as well as a client label if you performed it while logged in to a client. So if you spent Friday evening searching for a particular statute and forgot to save it to a folder, you don’t need to worry! Just click your history to find it again without the hassle. The date and time stamps will help you be able to navigate which of these descriptions is the right one.

That is all for this week! We will back with more tips and tricks next week. Thanks again for making Casemaker a Valued Member Benefit.

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