This week we talk about Folders, Tree View, and locating your search terms in a document. Let’s get started!
Tree View
The Tree View interface consists of an expandable hierarchy is contained in a left-hand sidebar while the center area displays the document content when requested. To navigate you click on the plus and minus symbols to expand and collapse sections of the “tree.” The Casemaker Tree View interface includes all data types and the full archive of data for each respective state.
Finding Your Search Terms
You’ve done your search with your keyword or keywords and you have pulled up your first result to read the case. Now, where in the world are your search terms even mentioned? You can find them using the Search Terms arrows in the gray toolbar. Located just above the title when you are reading the case is a gray toolbar. Here you see options to return to results, arrows to move around your list of results documents, as well as the phrase Search Terms with arrows on either side. Clicking on either arrow will take you to the next search term above or below where you are in the case you are viewing.
Always Available – Folders
Perhaps you often print cases that you need, or maybe you download them to your work computer. As you have likely found, the files on your computer or the cases you printed are only useful if you have them with you. However, you can access Casemaker from anywhere using a web browser! So instead, you can save the items you need to a folder in your Casemaker account which is accessible from anywhere you can access the web.
The first thing you’ll need to do is to create a folder. Click on the save to folder icon and type a folder name here into the new folder name field. Then just click create.
There are two methods to save a document to a folder. You can click on the Save To Folder icon from the Dark Gray toolbar, choose your folder, and click Save. Or you can click on the orange My Folder Icon next to the search button, and then choose the folder you’d like to use and click OK. This allows the orange folder icon to represent the folder that you’ve selected. Then you can simply click, drag, and drop documents into that folder for saving.
When you are ready to view the contents of your folders, you can click on the white My Folders link at the top of the search area. The listing of your folders is displayed on the left and clicking on your folder will display its contents in the central area of the screen. Once the folder has loaded you have the opportunity to move, rename, or delete the entire folder. You can also utilize the individual checkboxes to print, download, email, or throw away individual contents.
That is all for this week! We will back with more tips and tricks next week. Thanks again for making Casemaker a Valued Member Benefit. |
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