CBA Colorado Lawyers for Colorado Veterans is Looking For Volunteers — Cases Can be Taken on a Pro Bono, Low Fee or Modest Means Basis

by Tali Thomason on July 19, 2017

The Colorado Lawyers for Colorado Veterans program needs volunteers to help make phone calls and or take cases. They have started a clinic in Colorado Springs that has tripled their case load. Below are veteran cases that are in need of volunteers. Please review the below summaries and reply to Carolyn if you can help. Lawyers may take on a case either pro bono or, depending on the status of the client, on a low fee, bundling or modest means basis. Even a phone call is helpful to these veterans.

309 FAMILY Review Spouses Current Guardianship/ Conservator proceedings to determine spouses rights can be protected, potential guardianship/Conservator issues for her.
314 CRIMINAL May be charged with theft of $10,000 in condo reserve fund
316 FAMILY Child Support Issue-Release of judgment-Where did money go
320 EMPLOYMENT Employment disability complaint possible
323 HOUSING Was Diagnosed 6 months ago with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
325 CONSUMER from VAP: hoping to speak to an attorney about potentially moving out of the country and  maintaining my veterans pension and disability (Non-service related).
333 CONSUMER veteran rcd letter from City of Northglenn to have a dead tree removed; he bought the property and the tree was dead; had court appearance; needs an attorney for next court appearance and possible letter to Northglenn
334 CONSUMER helping him file an SF-95 medical malpractice claim against the Grand Junction Veterans Hospital. The claim has now been denied twice. I would like to appeal their decision, but wanted to seek some legal advice before filing the claim again.
338 HOUSING Needs to get out of the lease early due to financial constraints-lease amount has doubled over 3 year period
339 CRIMINAL Assaulted and threaten by staff members at clinic after surgery
340 FAMILY Family law- Re work divorce settlement
341 CONSUMER Oxygen company(contracted through VA) did not provide adequate service to  92 year old wwii veteran and has been without help since June 25th
351 FAMILY Assistance with temporary guardianship of 3 granddaughters – just where to find a form
352 PROPERTY Phone Call- needs help with an estate agreement
354 HOUSING GREAT CASE! 92 year old veterans is disabled – VA has committed apparent fraud against – wants to know where his money has went?
355 HOUSING PHONE CALL NEEDED – Landlord is trying to evict his family illegally(uses scare tactics in attempt to force family out of home) Family just wants to know what to do next.
356 FAMILY Ex will not contest to the divorce. No children or property to divide
357 IMMIGRATION Wants to start the process to obtain a green card – had a green card well in army but it expired
358 HOUSING Needs advice and direction to where to start- Denver Housing Authority has not allowed him to move from apartment that contains saw dust in ventilation. He is not able to use A/C or Heater. Starting to cause medical issues
361 HOUSING Housing discrimination & eviction
375 CONSUMER Needs help finding out if is deceased brothers insurance covers him
377 HOUSING Filing a malicious prosecution case and wrongful eviction
378 CONSUMER Divorce decree states she is not responsible for ex-husbands vehicle – he has missed multiple payments and is getting consequences, wants to know her options
381 HOUSING Housing falsely evicting family – Needs assistance
382 VA Wants to sue VA for involuntary mental health commitment
383 CRIMINAL Has a citation for two counts – Telephone threats and injury to property
384 HOUSING Needs to obtain a copy of lease and terminate lease
386 TRUST & ESTATES Has a will but needs an update – looking for a trust and estate planning attorney to help write up a plan
387 BENEFITS Was discharged for not showing from marine corps – he would like to petition to upgrade to discharge
388 TRUST & ESTATES Needs to get a will and a revocable living trust and some POA’s – not married – no kids
389 CRIMINAL Needs help filing restraining order – He will need representation, Court dates 5/3/2017 and 6/21/2017
390 TRUST & ESTATES Needs assistance drafting up a will
391 TRUST & ESTATES Assistance with creating will and a POA
392 EMPLOYMENT Needs to file an appeal for unemployment
393 TRUST & ESTATES Wants to obtain inheritance – needs to call on how to start the process
396 CRIMINAL Physically/sexually assaulted by va staff on video wants to press charges
397 CIVIL Attorney looking for support in bringing an appeal
398 FAMILY Wants to get custody of son but lives in Texas, ex-wife lives in Colorado
400 TRUST & ESTATES Needs assistance with a will, also needs a POA
401 HOUSING Foreclosure
403 FAMILY Needs assistance with an adoption
404 CIVIL Wants to get out of a contract/membership
405 CIVIL Wants to file a med-mal
407 TRUST & ESTATES Needs help making a living will, medical POA
408 HOUSING Assistance settling claims – basement flooded violate warranty of habitability. Send demand letter and filed in small claims court- case removed to district court
409 CONSUMER Needs an attorney who can assist with a car dealership lemon law
410 DRIVER’S LICENSE Hold on Driver’s License in Hawaii- needs representation at dmv hearing to obtain license
411 EMPLOYMENT Needs an attorney to assist get his job back and money for wrongful termination
414 PROPERTY needs insurance to fix the house that was damaged by the storm
415 FAMILY Filed for divorce – husband is threatening to file for full custody
416 CRIMINAL DV charge
417 BENEFITS Retirement Benefits. need a letter clarifying those benefits, as well as a personal Will.
419 FAMILY Child Custody and Child Support

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