Coffee Talk This Thursday at the DBA—A New Lawyer’s Guide to Purchasing Lawyers’ Malpractice Insurance

by Tali Thomason on May 23, 2016

Thursday, May 26 from 8 to 9 a.m.

Colorado and Denver Bar Associations
1900 Grant St., Ste. 900, Denver

Join ALPS Business Development Representative and Insurance Specialist, Kurt Whitmire, to explore what you need to know about lawyers’ malpractice insurance, including and most importantly why you should have it.

This course will cover:

What type of protection malpractice policies provide;
When to purchase insurance;
What your premium dollars should cover;
How to navigate the application process.

One general CLE available.

Cost is $5 for members and $20 for nonmembers.
Includes a continental breakfast.

For more information and to register, email or call 303-860-1115, ext. 727 to RSVP.


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