December’s Best of the Blogs

by Tali Thomason on December 28, 2015

We know you are busy! So we read through numerous blog posts and find the best ones to share with you each month.

Please let us know if you feel we are missing a particularly good one.

Quick Tips

Product Reviews
5 Musings in the Minds of Legal Tech Leaders: December 2015

Chris DiMarco, Legaltech News
Legal technology leaders speak on ‘shadow’ IT, electronic storage and HIPAA compliance, and more . Read more.

Will 2016 Be the Year of Automation for the Legal Industry?

Casey C. Sullivan, FindLaw
The idea of automating practices routinely performed by lawyers has been floating around for awhile now. Depending on your perspective, automation is a tantalizing or terrifying prospect. Read more.

eChecks: a Simple Alternative to Credit Cards

Sam Glover, Lawyerist
As you might have guessed from the name, an eCheck is basically a purely electronic version of a check. Because eChecks go through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system instead of the credit-card processing system, they are also simpler and cost less to process than credit cards. Read more.

5 Questions on Password Management

Law Technology Today
Ten attorneys and other legal professionals discuss password security in a roundtable for Law Technology Today. Read more.

7 Steps for Turning Your Blog into an eBook

Rachel Casper, LOMAP
Even though they know it’s a great way to generate qualified leads, lawyers shy away from content marketing, because…you know: they actually have to produce content. Read more.

Why Meetups Are A Solo’s Secret Weapon

Susan Cartier Liebel, Above the Law
If you haven’t heard of Meetups, you are missing out on a valuable opportunity to not just grow your practice, but enhance your life on many levels. Read more.

Should a Solo Attorney Charge for an Initial Consultation?

Melanie Fischer, Solo in Colo
As a solo attorney, you have probably wondered whether you should charge a prospective client for an initial consultation. Read more.

Check Your Policy: Disciplinary Defense Insurance “Coverage”

Alec Rothrock, DBA Docket Blog
Many lawyers do not know that legal malpractice insurance policies usually provide money for hiring a lawyer to defend them against a disciplinary complaint. Read more.

Sharing Office Space, Equipment, and Employees;

Podcast, New Solo
Learn about the cost savings, benefits, and logistics of splitting office resources. Through mutual trust, compromise, and similar views on work-life balance, these lawyers are achieving the strengths of partnership without losing the privilege of being the boss. Read more.

Planning: Think Long Term, Act Short Term

Alec Rothrock, DBA Docket Blog
It’s that time again. Time to prepare a plan for 2016. Are you ready for some ideas? Read more.


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