February’s Best of the Blogs

by Tali Thomason on February 26, 2018

We know you are busy! So we read through numerous blog posts and find the best ones to share with you each month.

Please let us know if you feel we are missing a particularly good.

Quick Tips

How to start any Windows app with a keyboard shortcut!
Few people know that Windows allows users to start their favorite apps using keyboard shortcuts. You can use predefined keyboard shortcuts to launch both desktop apps and apps from the Microsoft Store. Or, you can use your custom keyboard shortcuts, to start any app you want. This can be done using built-in features of Windows, without using third-party apps. If you are curious or you need to run apps using keyboard shortcuts. Read more.
How to Get the Most Out of Linkedin
With half a billion users and two new users joining every second, LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network and the digital business card of the 21st century that enables all lawyers to achieve more. Read more.
Casemaker Tips and Tricks
Each month the CBA’s Solo in Colo blog provides a few tips and tricks to increase your Casemaker research efficiency. Read more.

Product Reviews

The Apple Watch’s Latest Health Implication Could Be A Game-Changer
The Apple Watch can detect diabetes in previously diagnosed patients with up to 85% accuracy. That number comes from Cardiogram in conjunction with the UCSF Department of Medicine, which held a study to understand how useful Apple’s wearable hardware is at detecting diseases. Read more.
Effortlessly Perfect Your Grammar and Spelling with Grammarly — 49% off
Regardless of the field in which you work, using proper grammar and developing good writing skills is absolutely essential in order to be taken seriously. Even the most well-meaning and diligent writers, however, are prone to slips. Grammarly Premium thoroughly and automatically perfects your grammar and spelling on any platform, and a 1-Year subscription is currently available for just $69.98. Read more.
ASUS Blue Cave Review: Different Looks, Great Performer!
ASUS Blue Cave is a wireless router that looks different from most routers on the market, and it includes an Intel processor, instead of Broadcom, Qualcomm, or MediaTek, as you usually find on many other routers. Its technical specifications are promising, and it is also integrated with Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant and task automation services like IFTT (If This, Then That). Read more.


Speak Your Time Entries to Alexa with Tali
On this week’s episode of the 10 Minute Law Firm Podcast, Larry Port interviews Matt Volm, the CEO and co-founder of Tali. Tali—Rocket Matter’s newest integration partner—makes it possible for you to speak your time entries into Amazon Alexa and, coming soon, Google Home-powered devices. You can then have them sync directly to your legal practice management software!. Listen to Episode.
930,000 Law Firm Passwords Are Exposed — It’s Time To Make Cybersecurity A Priority
If you’re not making cybersecurity a priority at your firm, I advise doing it now, considering what happened to 500 of London’s largest law firms. According to a just-released white paper by the cybersecurity firm RepKnight: 1.16 million email addresses from these firms were found on the dark web (anonymously hosted websites that are often used for illegal activities.) Read more.
How to Upgrade from Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10
Windows 10 is officially the most used operating system in the world. However, there are still people who are using Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 on their computers and devices. If you are one of them, you might want to upgrade to Windows 10, so that you get the latest and the greatest Microsoft has to offer. Read more.


Adapting To The New State of The Legal Market — And Why You Can’t Afford Not To
It was easier to be a lawyer a decade ago—the demand for legal services always seemed to be growing, along with the revenue and profit that came with it. With the Great Recession, everything changed. The flow of clients slowed while competition increased, leaving profit margin and productivity to suffer. Read more.
7 SEO Trends for Search Marketing Success in 2018
Current research shows that most people—94%!—won’t look beyond the first page of their Google search results. So knowing the latest SEO trends that will help you attain that piece of rare real estate is key if you want to build a strong online presence for your law firm. Read more.
7 Proven Ways to Be a Happier Lawyer
Did you know that being happy can result in a 31% increase in productivity? Happiness can also increase your accuracy on tasks by 19%! Read more.


Googling Clients — How Much Should You Dig Online?
Googling a potential client should be part of any law firm’s client intake process. After all, an adversary most certainly will, and it doesn’t take more than a few minutes to find red flags that will warrant further research or discussion. Read More.
Lawyers: Comcast May Be Cheating You and Everyone You Know
If you have Comcast internet service, you might want to take a closer look at your bill. If there’s a charge for a Service Protection Plan, or SPP, you may want to start digging to find out how that got there. If the numbers from Washington’s AG are right, there’s over a 50 percent chance you were lied to by Comcast. Read more.
Lawyer Serves Complaint Via Instagram
In a world where technology has infiltrated almost every aspect of our daily existence and people’s lives revolve around their latest social media posting, what’s a lawyer to do when she’s unable to track down a defendant to serve a complaint? Read more.



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