Last Tech Tuesdays Webinar: Indexed I/O’s Automated eDiscovery — is now online

by Tali Thomason on June 29, 2016

Tech-Tuesdays-Webinar-Logo(1)Click here to watch the replay.

Webinar recording from Tuesday, June 28.
Presented by Brian McHughs

Are you wary of the benefits and costs of technology for litigation? Do you think that eDiscovery tools are only for large matters? Do you worry about over-complicating your work load? Learn how you can leverage I/O’s easy-to-use eDiscovery platform for any sized matter, adding efficiency at a fraction of the costs of other industry technologies.

Brian will demonstrate how simple it is to create a new matter in our platform, empowering you to work with the technology’s simple-to-use controls and automated workflows to gain efficiencies that are unmatched by other products. Client data is easily ingested, with processing of electronic data and OCR’ing of scanned imaged happening in real time. You can then search, analyze, report, tag, and produce data right from the platform’s interface.

Indexed I/O provides industry accepted formats for your use as well as the ability to completely customize all reports, tagging, and production specifications easily. And, as a valued member of the Colorado Bar Association, you receive all of this at a significant discount.




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