January’s Best of the Blogs

by Tali Thomason on February 1, 2017

We know you are busy! So we read through numerous blog posts and find the best ones to share with you each month.

Please let us know if you feel we are missing a particularly good one.

Quick Tips

Product Reviews


Five Tech Tools Every Lawyer Should be Using

Mary Redzic, Attorney at Work
Whether you’ve been practicing for one year or 25 years, you’ve likely come across an array of emerging tech tools and services designed to help you improve your law practice. As the industry moves forward, it’s essential for competitive lawyers to invest wisely. Read more.

Resolve to Use Your Device as a Tool— And to Resist Being Tooled by It

Jack Pringle
It’s that time of year: reflection and some soul-searching about what to do differently when we turn over a new leaf on January 1st. Let me offer a modest proposal. Read more.

Top Five Free Computer Maintenance Tools You Should Know About

Joel Lee, Make Use Of
If you treat your computer right, it will stay fast and responsive for many years. But if you neglect proper maintenance, it will turn into a molasses machine that ends up being a source of frustration. Read more.


20 Legal Marketing Ideas for Slow Days

Cari Twitchell, Lawyerist.com

We all have them — slow days. The days when the phone does not ring, the emails are not pouring in, and the work is under control. For some lawyers, these days are a welcome relief from the daily grind. For others, however, these days bring increased concern over the lack of viable client prospects. Read more.

How To Make Your Sales Materials More Persuasive

Jane Oxley, Small Firm Center
Many lawyers fail to see how they are in the business of sales when they’re running a small law firm. But the fact is that sales are the foundation of your practice even if you’re a single attorney working alone in your practice. Read more.

Marketing Game Plan for 2017

Legal Talk Network, Podcast
It can be difficult to set your course in marketing when you don’t know where your firm has been. In this episode of The Un-Billable Hour, host Christopher Anderson talks with Marketing Vice President Chelsey Lambert from How To Manage a Small Law Firm about building successful marketing campaigns. Listen.


Building Our Dreams: The Finances of Law Firm Startups

Drew Hefflefinger, Solo in Colo
Who is tired of making someone else’s dream come true? The sacrifice, the hours, the faceless P&L reports. Learning how passionate and dedicated attorneys are, it is no wonder that many seek entrepreneurship as a means of providing a greater, more focused service to their clients. Read more .

8 Resolutions To Start The New Year Fresh

Gary Ross, Above the Law
So we’ve taken a good-will draught for times long past and have moved on to 2017. Maybe you’re a celebrity obituary writer and you had a great year last year. Maybe you’re John Podesta and you had a bad year. Or maybe you’re a lawyer and are so caught up in the day-to-day that starting a new year doesn’t really mean much to you. Read more.

Five Ways to Take Control of Your Invoicing Effectiveness

Wayne Nykyforchyn, Attorney at Work
Lawyers in small firms don’t have large-scale technology systems or billing departments to help get invoices out the door. When the time comes to give a client an invoice, it is pretty much up to the individual attorney to make it happen. Read more.



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