July’s Best of the Blogs

by Tali Thomason on July 29, 2016

We know you are busy! So we read through numerous blog posts and find the best ones to share with you each month.

Please let us know if you feel we are missing a particularly good one.

Quick Tips
Product Reviews
Rocket Matter (a CBA Member Benefit Provider) Introduces Atlas 1.2

Rocket Matter Blog
Rocket Matter, the pioneering cloud-based law practice management software, announces Atlas 1.2, with powerful new case management functionality designed to help improve how law firms work every day. The trio of new features include document folders, role-based access and an elegantly designed printable version of their law firm calendar. Read more.

The Ethics of Technological Incompetence in the Law

Jonathan Tung, FindLaw
Maybe you learned to practice law before hacking became the scourge of institutions everywhere, including the government. If that’s the case, you’re probably having a difficult time understanding why you should worry about monetary risks associated with being incompetent in technology. Read more.

Running a Mac-Based Law Firm: The Hourly Consultant Option

Ben Stevens, The Mac Lawyer
The smaller the firm, the more likely they are to use the DIY approach which we discussed in the first part of this series in last month’s newsletter. But, inevitably the DIYers run into something that’s beyond their scope, which is where the hourly IT consultant comes in. Read more.

Law Firm Website Basics: Typography, SEO, and Security

Tim Baran, Legal Productivity
Over the weekend, I, along with 500+ WordPress geeks, attended WordCampNYC hosted in the grand United Nations. We learned a lot and got to see why over a quarter of all websites — 75 million plus sites — use WordPress: the awesome community that contribute to making the platform robust, safe, and extensible. Read more.

How Much Time Should You Spend Developing Your Online Footprint?

Jeff Bennion, Above the Law
The other day, I was talking to an attorney who we’ll call Joe. Joe has had multiple seven-figure verdicts and one eight-figure verdict. His friend’s brother needed an attorney and the friend suggested he check out Joe. The brother had a couple of attorneys in mind, including Joe, and ultimately ended up choosing someone objectively less qualified in every regard. The friend asked his brother why and the brother said it was because he just couldn’t find much online about Joe. Read more.

A Profitable Niche Practice in Four Easy Steps

Robert Theofanis, Attorney at Work
Ever heard that phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none”? No lawyer wants to hear that today. Why? Because you get credibility from being an expert not a generalist. Credibility equals clients. Clients equal profitability, even more credibility — and even more clients. Read more.

Productivity Challenge: Two To-Do Lists

Ruth Carter, Attorney at Work
I don’t know about you, but I’m freakishly busy. I welcome any life hacks that let me be more efficient. I recently met Paula Rizzo through my mastermind group for entrepreneurs. She’s an Emmy Award-winning TV producer who attributes much of her success to compulsive list-making. Read more.

3 Tools to Make You a More Productive Lawyer

Casey Sullivan, Technologist
We all want to do less and earn more. But when that doesn’t happen, we need to do more to earn more. But you don’t need to work through the night in order to get work done. There are plenty of tools out there to help increase your productivity, helping you become a more efficient, effective attorney. Here are three. Read more.

Tax Saving Strategies for Solo and Small Firm Owners

Drew Hefflefinger, Solo in Colo
Deferring income tax liability from high income tax years to low income tax years while saving for retirement has clear advantages. Understanding which strategy to employ, however, can lead to murky waters. By having a clear vision of your firm and personal goals tremendous tax savings can be had. Read more.


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