Tech Tuesdays—Google Voice and other VOIP Options—February 24

by Tali Thomason on February 13, 2015

Tech-Tuesdays-Webinar-Logo(1)Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) allows telephone calls to be placed and received through your internet connection instead of a landline. Therefore, your telephone service is not dependent on a telephone plugged into a wall. Calls can be placed and received anywhere you have an internet connection. Google Voice is basically a telephone forwarding and voice mail service. When someone calls your Google Voice number, the call is forwarded to wherever you have told Google Voice to send it. If you don’t answer, you can tell Google Voice to email a notification to you, or to transcribe the voice mail and email that to you as well.

This complimentary program will be presented by Henri “Hank” Vanderhage, Vanderhage Law LLC. and will take place on Tuesday, February 24 from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.

Click here for information on how to access the presentation and for more information about the CBA’s monthly Tech Tuesday programs.



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