Reba Nance

I am often asked where to go to get law review articles at no cost. Fortunately, the ABA has a resource for this. Check out the ABA’s Legal Technology Resource Center’s (LTRC) Free Full-Text Online Law Review/Law Journal Search for law review and law journals. This free search engine searches the free full-text of more […]

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You’ve probably heard of “secret shoppers.” Typically these are people who are hired by a business such as a restaurant or a retail establishment to come into the business anonymously and see how they are treated by the employees, if the facility is clean, etc. Why not take that concept and apply it to your […]

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Total Mail Converter Pro converts MSG and EML to PDF, DOC, TXT, HTML, HTMLX, TIFF, RTF documents and images (TIFF, JPEG). While other email converters only extract and save attached files in their original formats, the Pro version is unique – it converts attachments as well. For example, if you have an email with a […]

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Opening suspicious emails can be dangerous. You used to be safe as long as you didn’t click on any file with an .exe extension at the end. Now, the bad guys are much more sophisticated. But there are a couple of simple things you can do to help protect yourself. This video will show you […]

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Mac Resources for Lawyers

by Reba Nance on September 16, 2015

If you’re using a Mac in your law practice, you’re not alone. It wasn’t that long ago I could count on two hands the number of lawyers I knew who were using Macs. But that has changed drastically. According to a survey by Clio in 2013, that number has topped 60% for the first time […]

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Client intake sounds pretty simple. Meet with the client, get their contact info, discuss the particulars of their case and how you can help them, ascertain their ability to pay and agree on the terms of your representation. That’s it, right? Actually, there are three outside-the-box questions you should consider asking. The answers could mean […]

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Opening suspicious emails can be dangerous. You used to be safe as long as you didn’t click on any file with an .exe extension at the end. Now, the bad guys are much more sophisticated. But there are a couple of simple things you can do to help protect yourself. This video will show you […]

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This could be my all-time favorite tip. We often use email to ask someone to send us something, or check on something and get back to us, etc. Sending the email is the easy part. The hard part is keeping track of what you asked for and when, and then remembering to follow up when […]

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The Mesopotamians were known to have bartered as early as 6000 B.C. The system of bartering continues to this day. However, except for situations such as exchanging stock in a company for services, lawyers traditionally have done little (if any) bartering with clients. From 2006 to 2009, I began seeing articles and receiving calls from […]

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There are times when we’ve all wished we could print a copy of what is showing on our computer screen. If you’ve ever tried pressing the Print Screen key on your keyboard, you know that nothing happens. This video will show you how to capture and save a copy of whatever is on your computer […]

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