Solo Tip Tuesday: Keep Track of Requests You’ve Made of Others in a Folder called @WFF

by Reba Nance on October 8, 2013

This could be my all-time favorite tip. We often use email to ask someone to send us something, or check on something and get back to us, etc. Sending the email is the easy part. The hard part is keeping track of what you asked for and when, and then remembering to follow up when the person doesn’t get back to you. Today’s tip will show you how to use Rules in Outlook to easily keep track of all of this and then follow up with the person. I guarantee this will become one of your favorite tips, too!

Keep Track of Requests You’ve Made of Others in a Folder called @WFF from Colorado Bar Association on Vimeo.

Feel free to email Reba Nance with questions.

{ 1 comment }

Phil October 16, 2013 at 9:54 am

Great tips – never thought to use “@” before folder name to get it to rise to the top of a folder list and really like the idea of setting a new rule based on language in the body of an email. Terrific and helpful video!

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