Casemaker Weekly – October 25th, 2018

by Tali Thomason on October 25, 2018

This week we talk about how to get access to your bar membership benefit, getting help using it, and more. Let’s get started!


Your Casemaker Benefit

Many state and county bar associations provide Casemaker to their members as a valued member benefit, saving them nearly a thousand dollars every year. If your bar provides Casemaker, it is easy to get access. Simply log in to your bar association website and look for the Casemaker link. Click it and you will automatically be logged in to Casemaker. Please note: You will need to bookmark your bar website, not Casemaker.


Getting Help Using Casemaker
Sometimes you just need a little help! Casemaker offers plenty of options to get you going. At any time you can click on the Help link in the upper right corner of Casemaker to find these options. Support is available between 8 am and 8 pm Eastern Standard Time, Monday- Friday. If you would like to speak with a Customer Support representative simply call 1-877-659-0801. You can email for assistance at Casemaker offers a live chat service during support hours as well by clicking on the Live Chat link in the upper right corner of Casemaker. Free webinar training is offered regularly as well. To sign up click on the webinar link in the upper right-hand corner of Casemaker. Training webinars are free and you can take them as often as you like. You can also find a user guide by clicking on the Help link in Casemaker if you prefer to learn at your own pace.


Seeing more with the Combined Link
While you are browsing administrative code, statutes, rules and other materials you may sometimes notice an italicized chapter or section title with the word combined at the end in parentheses. Clicking on this link will give you not just one statute or rule, but all the statutes or rules in that chapter or section. This is helpful if you wish to print the entire chapter or section. It is also useful if you simply do not want to be forced to navigate to each individual statute or rule and would like to view them together.


That is all for this week! We will back with more tips and tricks next week. Thanks again for making Casemaker a Valued Member Benefit.

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