Marketing Brings Success For Small Firms—From Law Week Colorado

by Tali Thomason on February 23, 2015

The CBA’s Solo Small Firm Section Chair Phil Shuey,  was quoted in last week’s issue of Law Week Colorado, on the role of marketing in the success of small firms.

Phil Shuey, a solo practitioner and chair of the Colorado Bar Association’s solo and small firm section, said conventional advertising is, for the most part, a thing of the past, and many attorneys are relying on social media instead. Word of mouth continues to be the best source of business, he said. And in general, the key for small firm success is in differentiating what a firm does from what others are capable of providing. Often this translates into offering services that are focused on a specific niche within the market.”

Click here to read more (although not that much more, you’ll have to get the print edition to read the article in full) …


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